"Professional Volunteer communicators linking the community in time of need"


W.I.C.E.N. Bundaberg Capabilities

Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network Last update: May 2023


Introducing WICEN Who are you going to Call?

WICEN's strength is its flexibility.
We train with systems we have developed over the years; systems which can adapt to a variety of situations.
If necessary WICEN can deploy a Statewide HF communications system that does not require a hilltop infrastructure and our technical expertise means we can adapt to meet an emerging need.
WICEN Bundaberg is proud to place our expertise at the disposal of local agencies that have identified a communications need and wish to develop a system to address it.
Agencies should contact the WICEN Bundaberg Controller from the contact information below.

National. State. Local

The Wireless Institute of Australia has brought together Amateur radio operators to serve the community.
WICEN Bundaberg is a non-government, volunteer organisation, financed by the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club.

Versatile * Far Reaching

We select the best band for the task using frequencies on HF, VHF & UHF.
Our equipment can be quickly deployed, and we maintain a powerful base station at our Bundaberg Shack.
Using BARC's 3 Repeaters we cover Burrum Heads to Winfield & West to Childers and Gin Gin.


Our equipment operates without electricity and Radios are powered by 12volt batteries.
A mix of Yaesu and Icom radios form the backbone of our network as they are robust and efficient to serve our needs.

Filling the Comms Gap

Many agencies don't have their own communications & can't share a common medium so WICEN fills the gap by providing voice communications within an agency or between several agencies.


Amateur Radio operators study & pass exams to achieve their Licence, and by joining WICEN they've shown a preparedness to serve their community.
We're proud to be part of the Bundaberg Regional Council Disaster Management plan.

Portable * Efficient

Our portable Amateur Radio Stations contain HF, VHF & UHF radio gear which is quickly deployed by operators who form a network for radio traffic.
We log the traffic & provide an audit trail of messages moving between agencies.

Gallery & Information

Self-contained Portable Station Case

Portable Station Case YAESU

Link to Case construction

Portable Station

We have 3 Portable Emergency Amateur Radio Station timber cases.
Coated with marine varnish ready for floodboat or rain operations.
The shelf is removable and underneath is everything the operator needs to be self-sufficient.
An operator would take one of these stations, and together with the Antenna pack and their own personal supplies they are ready to be deployed with a minimum of fuss.
All that we require at the intended site is a 12volt battery which can be taken from a vehicle, boat or even ride-on mower.
We can be set up and ready to transmit in about 20 minutes.

ENVIS in Blue Jeans Bag

Emergency Dipole Antenna ENVIS

Link to ENVIS Construction

Emergency HF antenna

This is our workhorse for HF emergency work.
It's a Near Vertical Incident Skywave (NVIS) antenna with radiation at a high angle so the major lobe is between 75 and 90 degrees to the earth's surface, in an omni-directional pattern.
It's NOT a long-distance antenna, we aim for 100-400km but have tested up to 1600km.
We find it to be extremely reliable between 3.5Mhz (80m) and 7.3Mhz (40m) - perfect for WICEN use.
We acknowledge Bob Hejl W2IK for his initial research into this antenna & dedication to emergency comms.


Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club BARC

Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club sponsors and finances the WICEN group.
When students train with the club for the Foundation Licence they are exposed to the WICEN ideology and many join us as trained operators.

brc ses

Council and SES

We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of SES Bundaberg.
We are privileged to retain a radio shack within the SES HQ by the kind permission of Bundaberg Regional Council and the SES Controller.

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